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Striking examples are shown also in this epidemic that many institutions, frequently those isolated from the world, were markedly exempt until, through servants or outside visitors, the disease gained access to them. This gave a most favorable field for the study of invasion, spread and decline of the disease. Observations made at this time in regard to hospitals seemed to suggest that certain institutions were more or less exempt, although not closed institutions, while others suffered from the first. These two types of hospital invasion are hard to reconcile.

Great stress was laid in this epidemic upon the very great morbidity and the low mortality. Simple, uncomplicated influenza at this time was looked upon as a disease that was rarely dangerous to life. Studies have shown that after this period there seemed to have been lessened morbidity. As previously stated, nearly all the numerous pandemics at various times have had their origin in Russia and arose in the late autumn or winter months. This pandemic of 1889 and the succeeding severe epidemics in Europe and North America in the years of 1891 and 1892 occurred almost exclusively in the cold weather, the summer remaining free. It is generally believed now, and was at the end of that pandemic, that atmospheric or telluric conditions had nothing to do with the spread. The origin of epidemics following the pandemics seemed to be influenced in their recurrence by the season of the year. It was conceded by observers in that pandemic also that contagion might be carried by merchandise and even flies and healthy individuals.
