Читать книгу The Lands of the Tamed Turk; or, the Balkan States of to-day онлайн

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It is to assist the reader to frame a more just opinion of that southeastern corner of Europe, “The Lands of the Tamed Turk,” and those who people it, that this volume of personal observations and experiences of travel, interspersed with brief bits of history, is offered.

The author begs to tender his appreciation to Mr. Nox McCain for the use of several unusual photographs published herewith; also to the editors of The Metropolitan Magazine, New York, Travel Magazine, New York, and The National Geographic Magazine, Washington, with whose kind permission are herein reprinted, verbatim, certain parts of special articles on the Balkan States by the author, and some of the illustrations accompanying them, which appeared in the periodicals mentioned above.


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The Lands of the Tamed Turk




The Rundreise Ticket—Why the Balkans?—When and Where English is Heard—Why Not the Balkans?

For a week we had remained in London, trying furiously to make up our minds which part of the Continent would interest us most. In the evenings at dinner we laid bare our ideas collected during the day, and endeavoured to formulate plans, but those countries which one favoured to visit seemed in no wise to appeal to the other. By the end of the week we had about completed our inventory of the tourable parts of Europe without one of us being inoculated with a special desire to revisit any of them. Then some one suggested, “Why not the Balkans?”
