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These questions cannot be answered in a few lines. Any views that may be put forward regarding them require the support of a vast array of facts and figures; but as the limits of this little book would not permit of my giving these, I have endeavoured to select a few only of those which bear most directly upon the points at issue.

To overburden my work with the names of genera or the lists of species would not, it seemed to me, either clear the issues or interest the general reader. These may be found in the ‘Challenger’ monographs, and other books dealing with the subject.

Those who wish to pursue the subject further will find in the ‘Voyages of the “Blake,”’ by Alexander Agassiz, an excellent and elaborate discussion of deep-sea problems, and numerous illustrations of some of the most interesting forms of abysmal life.

In Volume XXIII. of the ‘Bulletin of Comparative Zoology’ the same author gives a most interesting account of the deep-sea work that has recently been done by the ‘Albatross’ expedition.
