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“Farewell, vain world; my soul can bid Adieu

“My Savior taught me to abandon you.

“Your charms may gratify a SENSUAL mind;mind;

“But cannot please a soul for God design’d.

“Forbear t’ entice; cease then my soul to call;

“’Tis fixed through grace; my God shall be my ALL.

“While he thus lets me heavenly glories view,

“Your beauties fade, my heart’s no room for you.”

“The Lord refreshed my soul with many sweet passages of his word. O the New Jerusalem! my soul longed for it. O the song of Moses and the Lamb! And that blessed song, that no man can learn but they who are “redeemed from the earth!”

“Lord, I’m a stranger here alone;

“Earth no true comforts can afford;

“Yet, absent from my dearest one,

“My soul delights to cry ‘My Lord!’

“Jesus, my Lord, my only love,

“Possess my soul, nor thence depart:

“Grant me kind visits, heavenly Dove;

“My God shall then have all my heart.”

April 27. “I arose and retired early for secret devotions; and in prayer, God was pleased to pour such ineffable comforts into my soul, that I could do nothing for some time but say over and over, “O my sweet Savior! whom have I in Heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.” If I had a thousand lives, my soul would gladly have laid them all down at once, to have been with Christ. My soul never enjoyed so much of heaven before; it was the most refined and most spiritual season of communion with God I ever yet felt.
