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Mahomet says, “We have swerved from the religion of our founder Abraham, and have introduced novelties among us. Abraham worshipped only one God; we have many Gods. I am sent to retrench these novelties, and to bring you back to the religion of your forefathers.” This was the first ground on which he went. When the Ishmaelite would not acquiesce in the charge of having fallen off from Abraham’s religion, Mahomet proceeded: “Ye are illiterate people; ye have no books: the inhabitants of the neighbouring countries have books, which contain the religion of Abraham.” The Arabians applied to the Jews and Christians, for information on this head; and as the event turned in favour of the pretended prophet, they yielded without contradiction. Mahomet proceeded in teaching, and again appealed to the people with books: the Arabians, too, continued asking questions, being more tractable whenever his assertions were confirmed; but when the contrary happened, a dispute arose, in which the prophet could only get the better by defending the antiquity of his madness at the expence of truth, accusing both the Jews and Christians with having falsified their books.
