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Sewage or impure drainage water should never be discharged into or upon ground draining toward a well, spring, or other source of water supply. Neither should such wastes be discharged into openings in rock, an abandoned well, nor a hole, cesspool, vault, or tank so located that pollution can escape into water-bearing earth or rock. Whatever the system of sewage disposal, it should be entirely and widely separated from the water supply. Further information on locating and constructing wells is given in Farmers' Bulletin 1448-F, Farmstead Water Supply, copies of which may be had upon request to the Division of Publications, Department of Agriculture.

Enough has been said to bring home to the reader these vital points:

1. Never allow the farm sewage or excrements, even in minutest quantity, to reach the food or water of man or livestock.

2. Never expose such wastes so that they can be visited by flies or other carriers of disease germs.

3. Never use such wastes to fertilize or irrigate vegetable gardens.
