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“God forbid!”

“If her love were to have been given to me, it was my plan to relinquish my present business and turn to one honorable in the eyes of all. I first came to you, Doctor Royal, and told the whole truth. Believe me, despite your censure, even a gamester may love nobly. But no more need be said. I shall respect and be governed by a father’s will and wishes. Your manner and words show me that under no consideration can you deem me worthy.”

“No longer worthy of my roof—much less my daughter!” answered the rector, trembling, and in tears.

Despite that Flood’s pale face remained as calm as stone, Nick, with his keen discernment, saw that the man was suffering beyond description, and, in a way, the kind-hearted detective pitied him.

“Not of your roof? Ah, well, let it be so,” replied Flood, taking his hat from the table.

Doctor Royal rose, trembling, to his feet.

“Under the circumstances I cannot permit you to come here again,” said he brokenly. “I shall send for my son, and I hope soon to know the whole truth. God help me, sir, my two children are all I have in this life; and my daughter—I do not speak in judgment—a man like you can have no place in her pure, young heart.”
