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“He was the first author of the Noble Anatomical Experiment of Injecting Liquors into the Veins of Animals. An Experiment now vulgarly known; but long since exhibited to the Meetings at Oxford, and thence carried by some Germans, and published abroad. By this Operation divers Creatures were immediately purg’d, vomited, intoxicated, kill’d, or reviv’d according to the quality of the Liquor injected: Hence arose many new Experiments, and chiefly that of Transfusing Blood, which the Society has prosecuted in sundry Instances, that will probably end in extraordinary Success” (p. 317).

Sir Christopher Wren did not actually carry out any transfusion experiments on his own account. This was done by his friend, Richard Lower, well known for his work on the anatomy of the heart, who worked in the laboratory of Thomas Willis at Oxford. In these experiments, some account of which was published in 1666, he used a silver cannula for obtaining continuity between the artery of one animal and the vein of another. Lower must therefore receive the credit for having done the first transfusion actually performed in England. In the following year other experiments were done by Dr. Edmund King and Thomas Cox, both of whom recorded their experiences in the Philosophical Transactions.
