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The following constitutes a proper and Scriptural course of treatment for such cases:

1. The first member who has knowledge of the offense should, as in the case of private offenses, seek the offender, ascertain the facts, and attempt to reconcile or remove the difficulty. Not till he has done this should he make it public, or bring it before the church.

2. But if no one will, or can, pursue this course of personal effort, or if such a course proves unsuccessful, then any member having knowledge of the facts should confer with the pastor and deacons as to the best course to be pursued.

3. The pastor and deacons should, by the best method they are capable of devising, labor to adjust the matter without bringing it into the church, or otherwise making it public.

4. But if their efforts fail, or if the case be already public, and a reproach and scandal to religion, then they should bring it to the church, and it should direct a proper course of discipline.

5. The church, thus having the case before it, should either appoint a committee to visit the offender, or cite him before the body to answer the charge. He should be allowed to hear the evidence against him, know the witnesses, and be permitted to answer for himself.
