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The turtill that true is,

With nots that reneuis,

Hir pairtie perseuis;

The nicht is neir gone.

"Nou Hairtis with Hyndis,

Conforme to thair kyndis,

Hie tursis thair tyndis,

On grund whair they grone.

Nou Hurchonis, with Hairis,

Ay passis in pairis;

Quhilk deuly declaris

The nicht is neir gone...."

"Hey! now the day dawns;

The jolly Cock crows;

Thick-leaved the greenshaws,

Through Nature anon.

The thistle-cock cries

On lovers who lies,

All cloudless the skies;

The night is near gone.

"The fields overflow

With daisies a-blow,

And lilies like fire shine,

And red is the rowan.

The wood-dove that true is

Her crooling reneweth,

And her sweet mate pursueth;

The night is near gone.

"Now Harts with their Hinds

Conform to their kinds,

They vaunt their branched antlers,

They bell and they groan.

Now Urchinsssss1 and Hares

Keep apassing in pairs;

Which duly declares

The night is near gone...."

Alexander Montgomerie



'Tis the voice of a sluggard; I heard him complain—

"You have waked me too soon; I must slumber again;"
