Читать книгу The Industrial Condition of Women and Girls in Honolulu: A Social Study онлайн

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Churches, associations, clubs, individual philanthropists, should have accurate knowledge of social conditions; that pauperizing may be avoided and that the waste of duplication in charitable work may be avoided. Undoubtedly more light is needed for the conduct of benevolent enterprises, perhaps not more giving, but more “efficient giving.”

Miss Blascoer’s report on the industrial conditions of women and girls, it is believed, will prove a basis for the working out of many programs for community betterment. May it prove rich in suggestion to the women of Honolulu. May all put shoulder to shoulder in the task of solving the industrial problem of the girls and women in our midst, and may it give to those who earnestly seek, a mission, a vision of great opportunities. To those who give and to those who receive, may there result a meeting, not at the “crossroads” of mistrust and suspicion, but on the “main traveled thoroughfare” which leads to mutual helpfulness. Hasten the day of its arriving!
