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“That feeling will probably elect Mr. Hopkins,” declared Kenneth, with conviction.


“Unless what, sir?”

“Unless we come to the rescue of the Republicans and take a hand in local politics ourselves, my lad.”

Kenneth pushed back his chair and rose from the table. He walked to the window and stood there whistling for a few moments, and then left the room without a word.

For a time Mr. Watson sat silently musing.

“Perhaps I’m inviting trouble,” he murmured; “but I am sure I am doing right. The boy needs a good shaking up and more knowledge of his fellow-men. If I can get Kenneth interested, this plan of mine will be of great benefit to him.”

Then he, too, left the breakfast table, and wandering into the garden saw Kenneth busy at his easel in a shady corner.

For a day or so the, subject was not resumed, and then Mr. Watson casually introduced it.

“A law could be passed in the State Legislature forbidding the display of all advertising signs in public places in this county,” he suggested.
