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I think his experience will be yours and mine. We talk about wanting pleasure, and we seek it in amusements and at theaters, routs, and balls; and I tell you that this feeling arises from the same cause as the miser’s misery. We have hungerings and thirstings of soul which we are required to satisfy, and except we comply with these requirements we will be disquieted. If those of you who love the opera, the theater, etc., will go forth and tread these streets, and find out the objects of need—those worthy of aid—and visit them, and administer to their comfort, you will no longer feel the need of theaters, routs, and balls; and you will find greater satisfaction in such a course than these amusements can afford. Try the experiment, and I will guarantee you will be successful. That this city, like all great cities, is pursuing after pleasure, as the paramount object to be attained, is because their souls are hungering and thirsting after that food necessary to build them up into the stature of perfect men and women. This makes time seem cruel, and hang heavy upon them; and, like the victim who seeks to drown his sorrow in the cup, they seek to fill up the long hours in dissipation. To return to my subject.
