Читать книгу Roentgen Rays and Phenomena of the Anode and Cathode онлайн

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Edward P. Thompson.

Temple Court Building, New York,

August, 1896.


ssss1Kind of Electrical Apparatus for Operating Discharge Tube for Powerful X-rays.Tesla and Shallenberger138.How to Maintain the Phosphorescent Spot Cool.Tesla139.Expulsion of Material Particles through the Walls of a Discharge Tube.Tesla139a.Giving to X-rays the Property of Being Deflected by a Magnet.Lafay and Lodge139b.Penetration of Molecules into the Glass of the Discharge Tube.Gouy140.Vacuum Tubes Surrounded by a Violet Halo.Tesla and Hammer141.Anæsthetic Properties of X-rays.Tesla and Edison142. and 142a.Sciagraphs of Hair, Fur, etc., by X-rays. Pulsation of Heat detected.Tesla, Morton, and Norton143.Propagation of X-rays through Air to Distances of 60 ft.Tesla144.X-rays with Moderate Vacuum and High Potential.Tesla145.Detailed Construction and Use of Single Electrode Discharge Tubes for Generating X-rays.Tesla146.Percentage of Reflection.Tesla and Rood146a.Reflected and Transmitted Rays Compared. Practical Application of Reflection in Sciagraphy. Analogy between Reflecting Power of Metals and their Position in the Electro-positive Series.Tesla147.Discharge Tube Immersed in Oil. Rays Transmitted through Iron, Copper, and Brass, 1/4 in. Thick.Tesla148.Bodies Not Made Conductors when Struck by X-rays.Tesla149.Non-conductors Made Conductors by a Current.Appleyard149a.Appleyard’s Experiment. Non-conductors Made Conductors by Current.150.Electrical Resistance of Bodies Lowered by the Action of Electro-magnetic Waves.Minchin

