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(13) Al. "to show you that there are others."

(14) Or, "who are gifted with the highest knowledge in their

respective concerns." Cf. "Mem." IV. vii. 1.

(15) Lit. "got on quicker, easier, and more profitably."

(16) Or, "short of some divine interposition."


Critobulus, on hearing that, exclaimed: Be sure, Socrates, I will not let you go now until you give the proofs which, in the presence of our friends, you undertook just now to give me.

Well then, (1) Critobulus (Socrates replied), what if I begin by showing (2) you two sorts of people, the one expending large sums on money in building useless houses, the other at far less cost erecting dwellings replete with all they need; will you admit that I have laid my finger here on one of the essentials of economy?

(1) Lincke (brackets as an editorial interpolation iii. 1, {ti oun,

ephe}—vi. 11, {poiomen}). See his edition "Xenophons Dialog.

{peri oikonomias} in seiner ursprunglichen Gestalt"; and for a

criticism of his views, an article by Charles D. Morris,
