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And Love builds on the golden sand;

And Love builds on the rose-winged cloud,

And sometimes Love builds on the land!

O, if Love build on sparkling sea,

And if Love build on golden strand,

And if Love build on rosy cloud,

To Love these are the solid land!

O, Love will build his lily walls,

And Love his pearly roof will rear

On cloud, or land, or mist, or sea—

Love’s solid land is everywhere!

As an outstanding example of Miss Crawford’s genius and art in lyrical impressionism, Canadian Literature contains nothing more colorful and musical than her ‘Lily-Song’ from Malcolm’s Katie:—

While, Lady of the silvered lakes—

Chaste goddess of the sweet, still shrine

The jocund river fitful makes

By sudden, deep gloomed brakes—

Close sheltered by close warp and woof of vine,

Spilling a shadow gloomy—rich as wine

Into the silver throne where thou dost sit,

Thy silken leaves all dusky round thee knit!

Mild Soul of the unsalted wave,

White bosom holding golden fire,

Deep as some ocean-hidden cave

Are fixed the roots of thy desire,
