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While the matter of self restraint should be kept continually before the minds of young people, the question of how far one should be allowed to tempt another to the committal of a crime is one of vastly greater importance. In this we believe the State should draw the line. This is in accordance with Gladstone’s well known dictum, “That it should be the duty of every well organized government to make it easy to do right and difficult to do wrong.” There is no mistaking that the present is a fast age. More than that, the competition for human existence, education, wealth and social standing is so great as to be unhealthy, because of the nervous strain which it creates. These conditions have developed an army of moral defectives in almost every walk of life.

Placing temptations before such people is simply making them criminals in advance. A vast number of men and women are unable to resist evil, as they lack the moral stamina. Many of this class, having been brought up in homes of vice and evil environments, can no more stand the temptations of the present day than a hungry dog can resist taking a piece of unguarded meat from a neighbor’s door.
