Читать книгу The New York Tombs Inside and Out!. Scenes and Reminiscences Coming Down to the Present. A Story Stranger Than Fiction, with an Historic Account of America's Most Famous Prison онлайн

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During its long and eventful history the Tombs has had many notable prisoners. It would be impossible in this brief sketch to do justice to this subject by giving a full and detailed account of the deeds and escapades of these persons. But the men of money and influence who have had the misfortune to be sent to the City Prison have always fared well. Although it is not always the case, the rich and poor in such a place should be treated with becoming fairness and moderation, not simply because they are rich or poor, but the law presumes a man to be innocent till his guilt is proved beyond a reasonable doubt. It is well known that a great many people are sent to the Tombs every year on trumped up charges. As they are not criminals, it would be manifestly improper to deny them the deserved consideration to which every uncondemned man is entitled in this enlightened age.

In dealing with this subject we shall only mention the names of a few well known persons.
