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The Rev. Fred H. Wines, D. D., defines education as labor, instruction and religion. He says:

“The best preventives against crime are a well trained mind, industrious habits and a good moral life. And the power of a good example and a pure conversation is incalculable in leading young people into steady habits and a noble life such as they should everywhere follow. Let New York follow out the teaching of Solomon, and there is sure to be less crime in the future than in the past: ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.’”

The only Man on Record who is known to have Pardoned himself out of Prison. He began life as a School Teacher, Clerk in a Law Office, full fledged Lawyer and Treasurer of a Political organization in New England, with whose funds he decamped. He has been in Prison a dozen times under as many aliases, where he has spent twenty-five years. When he pardoned himself out of prison he was in Nashville, Tenn., under the name of Henry B. Davis. He is now supposed to be dead.
