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“Warly cares and warly men

May a’ gae tapsalteeree O!”

“Do you ride upon the box, sir?”

“To be sure I do—paid that fellow to keep it for me.”

“All right, sir: mount if you please,—not a minute to spare. All right behind there?”

“All right.”

“Hold fast, sir!—let ’em go, Joey! Blow avay, Bill,” then addressing the near wheeler; “eh, vot, you’re at your tantarums again! I’ll vork ’em out of you before ve gets to the end of the stage. Do you know, sir, it vas all along of this here varmint that ve’d the upset last veek.”

“Indeed! we’ve a pleasant prospect before us, then.”

“Oh there’s no fear, sir; I vas never upset in my life, and I’ve been upon this here road for five and twenty years come next Christmas; but it vas all along of a gemman as had the reins in hand, ven poor Ned Burkem just vent in for his mornins, at the King’s Arms—yonder you may see the sign just afore us; ve alvays stops there for our mornins, case you see, sir, the landlord vas von of us, and his daughter is a main pretty girl. I suppose, sir, you’ve no objection to look at a pretty girl, ha, ha!”
