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About twenty-seven churches were represented. About $150 was collected, and Rev. Washington Stevens was made Missionary.



This session was held in Montgomery in 1869, and the officers of the previous year being re-elected to their several positions. Revs. Wm. McCoo, of Bullock county; P. Murrell, of Tuskaloosa; John P. Lucas, pastor of Mt. Meigs; Henry Clark, of Opelika; B. Burke, of Mobile; Frank Quarles, of Georgia, and H. E. Talliaferro (white), agent for the American Baptist Home Missionary Society; Lewis Brown, of Sumter county; A. Cunningham, of Conecuh county, and James Caldwell, of Marengo county, appear in the roll of this session. Fifty or sixty churches were represented; several hundred dollars were raised; the missionary was short in his collections; Home Mission Society was endorsed.



This session was also held in Montgomery on October 5, 1870. As Rev. N. Ashby was sick, Rev. W. Stevens, the Missionary, was elected president, and Rev. M. Tyler vice-president. Rev. Charles Leavens, of Mobile, and Senator A. H. Curtis were enrolled. The ordained ministers present were: N. Ashby, James A. Foster, W. Stevens, F. Brooks, T. Glenn, Chas. Leavens, S. Adams, H. Stokes, C. Blunt, Wm. McCoo, J. Caldwell, S. Weaver, J. Cole, J. W. McLeod, M. Tyler, B. Burke, P. Murrell, J. Dosier, D. M. Phillips, J. Wood, Ned Watkins, B. Bibb, H. Stevens, R. Mason.
