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The Home Mission Society gave $3,000 to the present school session. Dr. M. Stone, of Ohio, taught in the school without cost to the board of trustees.

Before the next session Rev. H. N. Bouey, from South Carolina, became State Sunday School Missionary.



Held in Tuscaloosa, November, 1882. Former officers re-elected, except that Rev. J. Dosier was made vice-president.

This year, the same as last, Brother McAlpine was retained president of the school.

Total receipts from Alabama, including tuition fees, were $2,588. Donation from Home Mission Society $3,350. The last session made Brother Pettiford financial agent, and the present session was greatly encouraged in view of his excellent success.



Held in Selma, November, 1883, in the First Colored Baptist Church, of which the writer was pastor. Rev. E. M. Brawley, late of South Carolina, was made president of our school, Rev. W. H. McAlpine having resigned in his favor.

Alabama paid $2,511 towards our educational work. Bro. Woodsmall was not present. Rev. A. N. McEwen, late of Tennessee, now pastor of Dexter Avenue Church, Montgomery, was present this session. Rev. H. N. Bouey was made financial agent.
