Читать книгу The Cyclopedia of the Colored Baptists of Alabama: Their Leaders and Their Work онлайн

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If a brother among us deserving mention should not appear, remember that many failed to report to me as I desired them to do, and that I felt I could not do more than give what would make a full showing of our State. Those names that came after the work was done had to be put into a supplement.

It will be seen, therefore, that the purpose which gives birth to this little book is not a desire to present a “vain show” of names, appealing to pride for the sake of gain; but, that it is an humble aim to accomplish some good. It is an attempt to answer the questions: “From whence have we come? What have we done? What have we attained to? What are the possibilities before us?” The book is intended to be a simple statement of facts; which facts, it is believed, will be a sufficient apology for their appearance in book form. The reader may expect faults in arrangement and errors in composition, but it is to be hoped that the sweetness and beauty of the flower will not be rejected because of the thorns upon the stem which bears them. I have not tried to tell everything. If I speak of individuals, it is with a view to giving some of their best things, best deeds, etc. “Straws show which way the wind is blowing,” it is said; hence only enough of each biographical sketch is given to show the status and trend of the person spoken of. We are too young, as a people, to make lengthy biography. Coming times will give us this form of literature. It will be remembered that this short period suffices to give only a nucleal point in the matter of writings. I have churned the milk with an eye to obtaining the butter—the richest and best we have. My selection of material may not be the very best, but something is better than nothing, and I have done the best I could under the circumstances.
