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But Jack realized that as soon as those groping through the dense smoke below found that its source lay in a galvanized bucket, and that the smudge had apparently been created for some distinct purpose, their suspicions would be immediately aroused.

Since they would speedily come pouring forth as furious as could be and turn upon the two boys for an explanation of the trick, it was up to Jack and Amos to prevent such an unhappy consummation.

“The hatch—we must clap it on, and batten the same down!” cried Jack.

Even as he spoke he was jumping toward the smoke cloud, with Amos close at his heels. What few words Jack had spoken revealed the plan of campaign to his comrade, who was only too ready to assist in the deal.

The man at the wheel must have stared hard at seeing the two boys thus start forward instead of jumping overboard like those others had done. Perhaps he even gave them credit for the same species of sublime courage that the skipper possessed. When, presently, he saw what they were doing, astonishment kept him from trying to interfere until it was too late to do any good.
