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“I understand that, Captain,” said Jack, coolly, as though not a bit afraid the other would put his threat into execution. “We are willing to take our chances. You would be a fool to end your life that way when you can live to enjoy other exploits.”

“But if I fall into the hands of the British they will surely shoot me!” urged the man below.

“I give you my word of honor that they will let you and your men go free, on condition that you do nothing to injure the boat or the cargo. Is it a bargain, Captain Zenos? We are both armed, and will hesitate at nothing, even should you succeed in breaking loose, which we do not mean to have happen. Be reasonable, and, after all, you will lose only your boat. There are other craft to be had for money, but no one can get a second life, you know, if he loses the one he has.”

Jack heard the man actually laugh harshly. He believed he had gone about it the right way to get results.

“You are certainly a boy after my own heart, and since there does not seem to be any other thing to do, I agree to your terms,” the captain called out. “Only I trust you will not deceive us. If I thought I might be held as a prisoner of war, or stood up to be shot, nothing would keep me from striking a match and ending it all now.”
