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The last of the blockade-runners did not wait upon the order of his going. He seemed only too well pleased to accompany his chief. The prospect of being left behind to fall into the hands of the enemy was not attractive to him.

As soon as this fellow had taken his seat in the boat, Amos, who was hovering nearby, cast the painter off, and immediately the small craft fell astern, for the powerboat still had some headway.

“Bully for us!” exclaimed Amos. “We’re now monarch of all we survey, Jack! And of all the adventures that have come to us since striking Europe this night is going to stand near the head.”

“Don’t crow,” warned Jack. “The Indian should never shout till he is in the woods, or the white man till he is out of them. We’ve got some troubles still ahead of us. I’m going to start up the engine, and keep moving straight toward that war vessel.”

“I think it must be a battleship, Jack, or a big cruiser, from the size of the searchlight. Now that I look around I can see a whole lot more of the same kind of lights roving around further on. Yes, we’ve struck the battle fleet at anchor as sure as anything. If only Frank is somewhere close by and safe, I’ll be satisfied.”
