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"Cooling shades of the night were coming apace,

The tattoo had beat, the tattoo had beat,

The noble one sprang from his dark lurking-place,

To make his retreat, to make his retreat.

"He warily trod on the dry, rustling leaves

As he passed through the wood, as he passed through the wood,

And silently gained his rude launch on the shore,

As she played with the flood, as she played with the flood.

"The guards of the camp on that dark, dreary night

Had a murderous will, a murderous will;

They took him and bore him afar from the shore,

To a hut on the hill, to a hut on the hill."

ssss1 "Life of Captain Nathan Hale, the Martyr Spy of the American Revolution." By I.W. Stuart, Hartford, 1856.

ssss1 A statue in plaster, modeled from a description of Hale's features and person, has been made by E.S. Wood, sculptor. It represents an athletic young man, with his coat and vest removed, his neck and upper portion of his chest bared by the turning down of the collar of his ruffled shirt, and holding in his right hand, which is resting upon his hip, the rope with which he is about to be suspended from the tree. The face of the martyr is an excellent ideal of the character of the young hero.
