Читать книгу The Alhambra. The Arabian conquest of the Peninsula with a particular account of the Mohammedan architecture and decoration онлайн

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A. F. C.


Hampstead, N.W., 1904.



THE compilation of a book of this kind reveals in the author a refreshing optimism which does not always survive the ordeal of publication, and it is perhaps out of sympathy with the misgivings that assail him as he approaches the bar of public and critical opinion, that convention cedes to him the privilege of making some apology for the faith that is in him. In his preface he is permitted to explain himself, and this apologia or justification, call it which you will, stands as the last word in his own defence. But the demand for a further edition is the outcome of an amiable conspiracy on the part of the public, and it is not required of the author to explain, justify, or excuse an issue for which he is not directly responsible. Any revision or amplification, however, which is to be found in a second impression, may be briefly referred to, and at the same time tradition allows him to express the feelings of gratitude and gratification that the occasion inspires. It has been my ambition to acknowledge the favour with which this book has been received, by having this edition produced with the greatest care on special paper, and by the addition of a number of new illustrations, including some half-tone and coloured plates reproduced from the Monumentos Arquitectonicos de España and others, which I have acquired since it was first produced. It will be seen that several of the coloured pictures illustrate designs which are common to the Arabian ornamentation to be found in Cordova and Seville, and as being representative of the Moresco work of the period, they also appear in the companion volume on “Moorish Remains in Spain,” but it may be stated that the whole of the plates reproduced here are from photographs and drawings secured, or specially made to illustrate The Alhambra. In its pictorial appeal it has been my ambition to make this edition as worthy of its subject as means and ability permit, and I offer this assurance as an earnest of my sincere appreciation of the generous manner in which the Press and public rewarded my previous effort.
