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His reverie was interrupted by the entry of old Dempster, accompanied by his wife and Dan’l.

“Wal, sir,” began the former, with brisk heartiness, “I’m glad to see you doin’ better. Here’s some money we found in your belt—three hundred an’ fifty dollars. Count it, if you please.”

“Never mind the money,” said Waddy. “I would give that and much more to have news of the vessel I was wrecked in. Have you heard anything about her? She was a Down East schooner named the Billy Blue Nose.”

“What might the name of her owner be?” asked Mr. Dempster. “One of my boys has been buyin’ a schooner up to Halifax.”

“Hawkins was the name; but he had a partner, a very fine young fellow, who told me he lived on this coast. He lashed me to the spar and stayed by me till she struck. His name was Dempster—William Dempster.”

“Mother,” said the old man, very solemnly, after a moment, “it’s our boy Willum. He is lost.”

For another moment they were silent, as men are when fatal words have been spoken; then the women’s sobs burst forth.
