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“Pirouetting” consists merely in the horse turning around while standing erect upon his hind feet. He may be taught to do this very easily, either by coaxing him to turn by the use of pieces of apple, or by gentle taps upon the cheek. He soon learns to turn at a circular sweep of the whip or at the command to “Pirouette.” This action is the same as is made use of when a horse is supposed to “waltz.”




One of the most common tricks displayed in circuses, and one which is usually hailed with applause, is what is termed the “pedestal” trick. A stout platform is used, to which is attached a wooden “drum” some two feet in hight, out of which projects a wooden rod or post at a slight angle. The horse first steps upon the platform, then places one fore foot upon the drum, and lastly places his other fore foot upon the point of the projecting post. In this position a handsome animal forms a really beautiful picture, and the effect is sometimes enhanced by having a number of men raise the platform upon their shoulders, and bear the horse, high up above the heads of the spectators, like some equestrian statue, around the ring.
