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In well-devised battle array,

Ahead of their fair chieftain

They march amidst blue spears,

White curly-headed bands.

They scatter the battalions of the foe,

They ravage every land I have attacked,

Splendidly they march to combat

An impetuous, distinguished, avenging host!

No wonder though their strength be great:

Sons of kings and queens are one and all.

On all their heads are

Beautiful golden-yellow manes:

With smooth, comely bodies,

With bright blue-starred eyes,

With pure crystal teeth,

With thin red lips:

Good they are at man-slaying.


Vision of a Fair Woman.

(Aisling air Dhreach Mna.)


Tell us some of the charms of the stars:

Close and well set were her ivory teeth;

White as the canna upon the moor

Was her bosom the tartan bright beneath.

Her well-rounded forehead shone

Soft and fair as the mountain-snow;

Her two breasts were heaving full;

To them did the hearts of heroes flow.

Her lips were ruddier than the rose;

Tender and tunefully sweet her tongue;