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“The disciples bowed, thanked the prophet, and inquired the hidden explanation of this mystery. He answered: ‘This poor woman has parted with her all, whereas my disciples have kept back a part of their possessions. Proverbs say: “The generous one is generous out of what he possesses,” and, “A little, in the eyes of the Most Great, is much.” You put into the earth a single date-stone, intrusting it to God. He makes that stone become a tree, which yields fruits without number; because the stone was confided to Him. Therefore, let your alms be given to the poor, and to God’s servants, as a trust committed unto God. For it is said: “Alms fall first into God’s hand, before reaching the hands of the poor;” and again: “Alms for the poor and the destitute.”’

“The poor of Mekka and Medīna, refugees and auxiliaries, shouted their admiration as they heard these words.”

When the two Turkish students heard this anecdote related, they professed themselves disciples of Jelāl.


When Jelāl was quite young, he was one day preaching on the subject of Moses and Elias (Qur’ān xviii. 59-81). One of his disciples noticed a stranger seated in a corner, paying great attention, and every now and then saying: “Good! Quite true! Quite correct! He might have been the third one with us two!” The disciple surmised that the stranger might be Elias. (Elias is believed by Muslims to be always visible somewhere, but that people know him not. Did they recognise him, they could obtain from him a knowledge of the secret of eternal life, which he possesses.) He therefore seized hold of the stranger’s skirt, and asked for his spiritual aid. “Oh,” said the stranger, “rather seek assistance from Jelāl, as we all do. Every occult saint of God is the loving and admiring friend of him.” So saying, he managed to disengage his skirt from the disciple’s hold, and instantly disappeared. The disciple went to pay his respects to Jelāl, who at once addressed him, saying: “Elias, and Moses, and the prophets, are all friends of mine.” The disciple understood the allusion, and became more and more devoted at heart to Jelāl than he even was before.
