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Seyyid Burhānu-’d-Dīn was popularly known by the name of Sirr-Dān at Balkh, Bukhārā (Alexandria Oxiana?), and Termīz. His discourse was continually running upon the subjects of spiritual and mental phenomena, of the mysteries of earth and of heaven.

When Bahā Veled quitted Balkh, the Seyyid went to Termīz, and there secluded himself as a hermit. After a while again he began to lecture in public on the significations of knowledge. Suddenly, one morning, that of Friday the 18th of Rebī’u-’l-ākhir, A.H. 628 (February, 1231 A.D.), he cried out most bitterly, in a flood of tears, “Alas! my master has passed away from this tabernacle of dust to the abode of sincerity!” His words and the date were noted down, and, on inquiry, after his arrival in Qonya, were found to correspond exactly with the moment of Bahā Veled’s decease.


For forty days the disciples at Termīz mourned for the death of the great teacher. At the end of that period the Seyyid said: “The son of my master, his successor, Jelālu-’d-Dīn Muhammed, is left alone and is wishing to see me. I must go to the land of Rome and place myself at his service, delivering over to him the trust which my teacher confided to my safe-keeping.”
