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“A fortune, by the men of ancient times in dreams long sought,

Has been vouchsafed to modern men; without their efforts caught.”

“One ought to put on ironed shoes, and take in hand an ironed staff, to set out at once and visit this great light. I make it a legacy to all my friends to do so without the least delay, if they have the means and the strength, so as to achieve the happiness and secure the honour of making the acquaintance of this prince, so obtaining the grace and favour of hearing him. His father, Bahā Veled, and his ancestors, were great Sheykhs and most illustrious; their great progenitor having been the first Caliph, Abū-Bekr, the glorious Confirmer of the truth spoken by the Apostle of God. I am myself old and infirm, unequal to the fatigues of travel. Otherwise, I would have walked, not on the soles of my feet, but on the tips of my great toes, to visit that eminent man.”

The Sheykh’s eldest son, Muzahhiru-’d-Dīn, was there present. To him the Sheykh addressed himself, saying: “My son, I do hope that thy eyes will behold this sacred visage; and, if God so will, convey to him my salutation and my respects.”
