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“If then,” added he, “ye wish to be prosperous in your affairs, take fast hold on the skirts of your spiritual elders. For, without the blessing of his pious elders, a young man will never live to be old, and will never attain the station of a spiritual elder.”


One day Jelāl took as his text the following words (Qur’ān xxxi. 18):—“Verily, the most discordant of all sounds is the voice of the asses.” He then put the question: “Do my friends know what this signifies?”

The congregation all bowed, and entreated him to expound it to them. Jelāl therefore proceeded:—

“All other brutes have a cry, a lesson, and a doxology, with which they commemorate their Maker and Provider. Such are, the yearning cry of the camel, the roar of the lion, the bleat of the gazelle, the buzz of the fly, the hum of the bee, &c.

“The angels in heaven, and the genii, have their doxologies also, even as man has his doxology—his Magnificat, and various forms of worship for his heart (or mind) and for his body.

“The poor ass, however, has nothing but his bray. He sounds this bray on two occasions only: when he desires his female, and when he feels hunger. He is the slave of his lust and of his gullet.
