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He conceived a desire and intention to make a voyage to Egypt; but his friends tried to dissuade him. His intention was reported to Jelāl, who strictly and rigorously prohibited his undertaking the voyage.

The young man could not divest himself of his desire, and had no peace of mind; so one night he clandestinely stole away, and went off to Syria. Arrived at Antioch, he embarked in a ship, and set sail. As God had willed, his ship was taken by Firengī pirates. He was made prisoner, and was confined in a deep dungeon, where he had a daily portion of food doled out to him, barely sufficient to keep his body and soul together.

He was thus kept imprisoned forty days, during which he wept bitterly, and reproached himself for having been disobedient to the injunction of Jelāl; saying: “This is the reward of my crime. I have disobeyed the command of my sovereign, following after my own evil propensity.”

Precisely on the night of the fortieth day, he saw Jelāl in a dream, who addressed him, and said: “To-morrow, to whatever questions these misbelievers may ask thee, do thou return the answer: ‘I know.’ By that means shalt thou be released.” He awoke bewildered, returned thanks to Heaven, and sat down in holy meditation, awaiting the solution of the dream.
