Читать книгу Epidemic Respiratory Disease. The pneumonias and other infections of the repiratory tract accompanying influenza and measles онлайн

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In view of the existing uncertainty concerning the bacteriology of influenza and its associated pneumonias, the commission has availed itself of the opportunity afforded by the epidemic of influenza to determine what bacteria were present in the nasopharynx and sputum in these diseases. The examinations have been necessarily limited to a small proportion of the immense number of patients admitted to the hospital with influenza and pneumonia. Autopsies on those who have died with pneumonia have offered a more direct means of determining the relation of bacteria to inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. An attempt has been made to classify the pneumonias following influenza and to determine their relation to the complex bacterial flora of the injured respiratory passages. These studies have shown very early the threatening prevalence of streptococcus pneumonia, and appropriate measures have been taken to combat the spread of this infection. No better illustration could be furnished to demonstrate the value of routine performance of autopsies as a means for the recognition of obscure epidemic disease.
