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1827—The United States, still wishing to acquire Texas, offers Mexico $1,000,000 for the province to the Rio Grande River, or $500,000 to the Colorado River, about half-way. Mexico rejects the offers.

1828—The United States accepts Mexico’s contention that the Sabine River shall be the boundary in the south between the two nations.

1829–1830—Alarmed by the increase of settlers from the United States, Mexico passes several laws much restricting immigration and the rights of colonists.

1832—The American colonists support General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, who aspires to supplant the unfair Anastasio Bustamante in the presidency of Mexico. They rise against the Mexican commandants at Nacogdoches, and at Anahuac and Velasco on the Gulf, and expel them.

1832—October 1 the “people of Texas” meet in first general convention at San Felipe, and ask for a state government separate from Coahuila.

1833—Santa Anna becomes president of Mexico.

1833—Hoping now for aid from Santa Anna, on April 1 the Texans meet in another convention, and draw up a plan for separate state government. Stephen Austin bears the petition to Mexico. He is arrested.
