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Artist Jens Galschiøt with his pieces of Wall, Odense

© Jens Galschiøt

Galschiøt’s plans were met with less and less interest. The major corporations who had secured land on the former death strip at Potsdamer Platz, did not want to erect the memorial either. In 1992, in a final attempt to gain political support, the artist finally sent miniature models of his memorial plans to all parties of the Berlin state parliament. Only the Mauer Museum “Haus am Checkpoint Charlie” agreed to at least show the model in its exhibition. Two years later, when plans to erect his work at one of the last remaining watch towers at Schlesischer Busch on the border between Treptow and Kreuzberg also failed, Galschiøt eventually gave up his pursuit.

Alongside Wall segments, that are slowly being weathered in the open-air, a few sculptures remain in the artist’s nearby studio, waiting and hoping that the memorial may still actually be built.




The piece of the Wall in front of the Vabamu Museum of Occupations and Freedom, Tallinn.
