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“And truly this aurum potabile, or drinkable gold, is a marvellous thing, for it worketh wonders to sustain human life, removing all disorders, and ’tis said that it will revive the dead.”—Phil. Ulstadt: Cælum Philosophorum, seu Liber de Secretis.

“And there be magic mirrors in which we may see the forms of our enemies, and the like, battalions for battle, and sieges, and all such things.”—Peter Goldschmid: The Witch and Wizard’s Advocate overthrown (1705).

There was once in an old temple in Rome a great man, a very learned Signore. His name was Virgilio, or Virgil. He was a magician, but very good in all things to all men; he had a kind heart, and was ever a friend to the poor.

Virgil was as brave and fearless as he was good. And he was a famous poet—his songs were sung all over Italy. Some say that he was the son of a fairy (fata), and that his father was a King of the magicians; others declared that his mother was the most beautiful woman in the whole world, and that her name was Elena (Helen), and his father was a spirit. And how it came about was thus:
