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Under the above classes, says Dr. Murray,[137] may be comprehended all those substances which are capable of producing salutary changes in the human system, and which are used as remedies. I have stated my reasons for adopting this as a general basis of classification, although I shall deviate very considerably in the subordinate divisions of the plan, in the hope of establishing some distinctions that may tend to practical utility.



The four classes comprehended under this first division, are Narcotics, Antispasmodics, Tonics, and Astringents.

Although these remedies differ very essentially in the degree and permanence of their action, as well as in the character of their apparent effects, yet, as it is conceived that their primary operation is stimulant, they are considered as possessing sufficient general similitude to sanction their arrangement under one comprehensive division.


Synon: Sedatives. Anodynes. Hypnotics. Soporifics.

Substances which, in a moderate dose, occasion a temporary increase of the actions of the nervous and vascular systems, but which is followed by a greater depression of the vital powers than is commensurate with the degree of previous excitement, and which is generally followed by sleep.
