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The advantages to be obtained from the administration of an emetic in the cure of disease, may either depend upon its primary, or secondary operations, that is to say, upon the mere evacuation of the stomach, or upon those changes which occur in distant parts from sympathy; and the judicious practitioner, in the selection of an emetic, will always be guided by the nature of the indication which he intends to fulfil; if his object be to evacuate the stomach quickly and completely, he will avoid those emetics that are distinguished by their nauseating tendency, as in cases of disease which depend on a disordered state of stomach, connected with undue distention, and the presence of acrid and indigestible matter; if, on the other hand, his intention be to influence some remote organ through the sympathetic powers of the stomach, an emetic of an opposite tendency may be better calculated to answer such indications: in some cases, he is to seek a beneficial result from the mechanical action of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, by whose pressure the gall-bladder and hepatic ducts are emptied of their contents, and hence jaundice, arising from the obstruction of biliary calculi, has been suddenly removed by the concussion of an emetic: a similar pressure upon the thoracic viscera may occasion expectoration, and relieve the bronchial vessels in cases of asthma, catarrh, and croup.
