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The suppression of the catamenia usually depends upon a debilitated state of the body, although it is sometimes the consequence of a plethoric diathesis; in the former cases tonics, in the latter, venesection may display the powers of an emmenagogue; upon which occasion, I have frequently derived the greatest benefit by cupping the patient upon the loins. Where the disease occurs in young women, about the age of puberty, it is very generally connected with extreme debility of the system; the preparations of iron, bark, and other invigorating medicines, are accordingly the most likely to succeed in its cure. Whereas in full florid habits, when the catamenia are suddenly suppressed, Laxatives, Diaphoretics, or blood-letting, afford the surest means of relief.

There are two other classes of medicine which may occasionally prove emmenagogue—Acrid Purgatives, which act upon the rectum, and hence by contiguous sympathy upon the uterus, as Aloes, &c. and Stimulating Diuretics, as Cantharides, the Turpentines, &c. which are supposed to excite the womb, sympathetically, by their stimulus upon the bladder. Nor is the advantageous influence of mercury to be overlooked, which, in cases of morbid action in the secreting functions, prove a Herculean remedy.
