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Sulphate of Magnesia does not readily produce any diuresis, because it operates upon the bowels, but the experiments of Vitet and Bracy Clarke have shewn, that if this saline compound be administered to the horse whose bowels are not easily affected by purgatives, it acts powerfully upon the kidneys;[159] and I will take occasion in this place to observe that, on account of the inirritability of the bowels of the horse, diuretic medicines are more certain in their operation, than in the human subject; a fact which, in itself, shews the importance of attending to the state of the bowels, during a course of those diuretics which require to be absorbed before they can produce their specific effects.

Equally necessary is it to attend to the state of the vessels of the skin, for if during the administration of a Diuretic, these vessels be excited by external warmth, its action may be diverted from the urinary organs to the exhalants on the surface, and occasion diaphoresis; but if the surface of the body be kept cool, this diversion will not occur: so greatly indeed does cooling the surface determine to the kidneys, that the usual diaphoretic medicines may, by an attention to this circumstance, be converted into powerful diuretics.
