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Vegetable physiology has demonstrated, that during the progress of vegetation most remarkable changes occur in succession, in the chemical composition, as well as in the sensible qualities of a plant; time will not allow me to be prodigal of examples, take therefore one which is familiar and striking,—the aromatic and spicy qualities of the unexpanded flowers of the Caryophyllus Aromaticus (Cloves) are well known to every body, but if the flower-bud be fully developed it loses these properties altogether, and the fruit of the tree is not in the least degree aromatic; so the berries of Pimento, when they come to full maturity, lose their aromatic warmth and acquire a flavour very analogous to that of Juniper. The Colchicum autumnale may be cited as another example in which the medicinal properties of the vegetable are entirely changed during the natural progress of its developement. See also Inspissated Juices, under the article Extract.
