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“First rate,” laughed Henry, “but about as hot as a furnace itself.”

The captain chuckled. “That’s good news,” he said, “eh, Doctor?”

“The very best,” said the surgeon. “He’s all right, Captain. I think his ducking will not hurt him a bit. He shows no sign of chill or shock or any bad after-effect.”

“Very good, indeed. But keep your eye on him, Doctor. Now that we have got him, we don’t want to lose him.”

The surgeon withdrew, leaving the captain and Henry alone in the little cabin.

“Tell me, my boy,” said the captain, with great kindness, “how in the world you ever got overboard. And, by the way, what happened to your suit-case? Did you lose that overboard?”

“Gee!” said Henry. “I forgot all about that. It’s back on the pier that I fell from. Is there any way I could get it?” And he began to look much worried.

“Don’t be alarmed about it,” replied the captain. “We’ll have it on board in a jiffy.”

He stepped to the table in the centre of the cabin and pressed a call-button that hung over it. An attendant instantly responded.
