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 Mr. Chr. Edmondson, of Garstang, minister.

 Mr. John Sumner, of Poulton, minister.


 Alexander Rigby, of Preston, Esq.

 William Langton, Esq.

 Alderman Matt. Addison, of Preston, gent.

 Alderman Wm. Sudall, of Preston, gent.

 Alderman Wm. Cottam, of Preston, gent.

 Edward Downes, of Wesham, gent.

 Edmund Turner, of Goosnargh, yeoman.

 Thomas Nickson, of Plumpton, gent.

 Robt. Crane, of Layton, gent.

 Wm. Latewise, of Catterall, gent.

 Wm. Whitehead, of Garstang, gent.

 Edward Veale, of Layton, Esq.

 Rd. Wilkins, of Kirkham, yeoman.

One of the duties of these Classes was to examine, ordain, and appoint ministers, or presbyters, as they were called, whenever vacancies occurred in the district over which, respectively, they had jurisdiction; subjoined is the certificate given in the case of Cuthbert Harrison, B.A., when selected and appointed presbyter of Singleton chapel:—

“Whereas Cuthbert Harrison, B.A., aged 30 years, hath addressed himself to us, authorised by ordinance of parliament of 22 Aug. 1646, for ordination of ministers, desiring to be ordained a presbyter, being chosen by the inhabitants within the chapelry of Singleton to officiate there; and having been examined by us the ministers of the Seventh Classis, and found sufficiently qualified for the ministerial functions, according to the rules preserved in the said ordinance, and thereupon approved—we have this day solemnly set him apart to the office of presbyter and work of the ministry of the gospel, by laying on of hands by us present, with fasting and prayer, by virtue whereof we declare him to be a lawful and sufficiently authorised minister of Jesus Christ. In testimony whereof we have hereunto put our hands the 27th Nov., 1651.”
