Читать книгу Star-land: Being Talks With Young People About the Wonders of the Heavens онлайн

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We may ask what makes the air move, for it will not rush about in this way unless there be considerable force to drive it. Here again we perceive the influence of the sun. Tracts of land are warmed by the genial sunbeams. The air receives the heat from the land, and the warm air is buoyant and ascends, while cooler air continually flows in to supply its place. To do this it has, of course, to rush across the country, and thus wind is caused. All the air currents on our earth are consequently due to the sun. You see, therefore, how greatly we are indebted to our brilliant luminary for the enjoyment of our tea-table. Not only has the sun given us the coal and the tea, but it has actually provided the means by which the tea was carried all the way from China to our own shores.

We can also trace the connection between the hot water and the sun. Of course, the water has come immediately from the kettle, and that has been taken from the fire, and the fire was produced by sunbeams. Thus we learn that it is the warmth of the sun that has made the water boil. If you visit the water-works you will see great reservoirs. In some cases they have been filled by a river, sometimes the water is pumped from a deep well in the ground, sometimes it is the surface-water caught on a mountain side. Whatever be the immediate source of our water supply, the real origin is to be sought, not in the earth beneath, but in the heavens above. All the water we use day by day has come from the clouds. It is the clouds which sent down the rain, or sometimes the snow, or the hail, and it is this water from the clouds which fills our rivers. It is this water also which sinks deep into the earth and supplies our wells, so that from whatever apparent source the water seems to have come, it is indeed the clouds which have been the real benefactors. The water in your teacup to-night was, a little while ago, in a cloud, floating far overhead in the sky.

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