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When this part of the charm was over, she made me spit thrice, and as often prest to my bosom enchanted stones, that she had wrapt in purple; Admotisque manibus temptare coepit inguinum vives. Dicto citius nervi paruerunt imperio manusque aniculae ingenti motu repleverunt. At ilia gaudio exsultans, “Vides,” inquit, “Chrysis mea, vides quod aliis leporem excitavi?”

Never despair; Priapus I invoke

To help the parts that make his altars smoke.

After this, the old woman presented me to Chrysis; who was very glad she had recover’d her mistress’s treasure; and therefore hastening to her, she conducted me to a most pleasant retreat, deckt with all that nature cou’d produce to please the sight.

Where lofty plains o’re-spread a summer shade,

And well-trimm’d pines their shaking tops display’d,

Where Daphne ’midst the Cyprus crown’d her head.

Near these, a circling river gently flows,

And rolls the pebbles as it murmuring goes.

A place design’d for love, the nightingale

And other wing’d inhabitants can tell.
