Читать книгу Love Potions Through the Ages: A Study of Amatory Devices and Mores онлайн

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Upon this, Enothea fixt her self between us, and moving her head a while; “I,” said she, “am the only one that can give remedy for that disease; and not to delay it, let him sleep with me to-night; and next morning, examine how vigorous I shall have made him:

“All Nature’s work my magick powers obey,

The blooming earth shall wither and decay,

And when I please, agen be fresh and gay.

From rugged rocks, I make sweet waters flow,

And raging billows to me humbly bow.

With rivers, winds, when I command, obey,

And at my feet, their fans contracted lay,

Tygers and dragons too, my will obey,

But these are small, when of my magick verse,

Descending Cynthia does the power confess.

When my commands, make trembling Phoebus reign,

His fiery steeds, their journey back again.

Such power have charms, by whose prevailing aid

The fury of the raging bulls was laid.

The Heaven-born Circe, with her magic song,

Ulysses’s men, did unto monsters turn.

Proteus, with this assum’d, what shape he wou’d.

I, who this art so long have understood,
